Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, I don't have time for a full post right now. Hopefully within the next couple of days. But I thought I'd share this with all of you really only to highlight the sometimes sad, sad nature of my nerdy-ness.

For my graduate research, I am having to use streptavidin-coated sepharose beads. (It's not as complicated as it sounds.) Anyways, I'm trying to figure out how best to store these guys long term. Probably this process will involve freezing the beads in a mix of chemicals designed to preserve. So I start typing into the Google search bar "freezing", of course meaning to finish this with "streptavidin beads" or some other variation of the name.

You know how Google tries to guess what you are searching for? Well, Google guesses: apricots, peaches, green beans, plums, blueberries, corn on the cob...etc. You get the drift, yes? THANK YOU, GOOGLE. Go ahead, rub it in. Let's just make me painfully aware that my nerd nature has once again interfered with the things I'd love to have the time for. Instead of making frozen stocks of wonderful fresh produce and homemade chicken stock (which we've done by the way; more on that later), I am looking up how to freeze some crazy chemical beads that no one normally searching in Google has ever typed in!! Welcome to my world, welcome to my world.


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