Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Grad School Swept Me Away

Well, my fear was realized. School started again in the Fall, and I stopped posting. I've never been very good with these sorts of things if there are other pressing priorities. Maybe one day we can make this a career, and then!'ll hear from me on a daily basis. For now just know, I'm not gone. Stay tuned.

I'll leave you with this:

If I had the time, I would write a post about the current debate debacle occurring with a well-known science writer Simon Winchester (not a scientist, mind you) and the geo-science community regarding the ability to predict earthquakes. I currently do not have the time to comment on it as I'm supposed to be studying for the Biology Subject GRE test, and once I do have the time the excitement of the debate will long be gone. But, for those of you who are interested in why it's important to know your science and think critically, follow this link to a conversation between Winchester and Christie Rowe, a UC Santa Cruz professor:

Interesting. Tell me what you think.